Vision & Leaders Empowerment Weekend
Make plans to join us September 15th-17th for the Vision & Leaders Empowerment Weekend, bringing together leaders and aspiring leaders, including those who don’t yet realize the value of their influence.
This three-day experience features a diverse insight into Vision, Leadership, and Empowerment. The Vision & Leaders Empowerment Weekend is an annual gathering bringing leaders worldwide together to inspire leaders within the community, church, or professional sectors toward change. This Weekend provides a chance to sharpen our skills and recalibrate ourselves spiritually.
Vision & Leaders Empowerment workshops include:
Apostle Lincoln Dent: The Gathering of Leaders Night of Impartation
Pastor Brian Callies: Human Trafficking: What Every Christain Should Know
Nadia Givens: Narcissistic Abuse in Leadership
Apostle Ken Toney: Recognizing and Resisting the Spirit of Korah
​On Sunday, September 17th, Dr. Darryl O. Griffin will climax the conference by bringing an impactful message! Join us at 9:25 a.m.